






コンゴ民主共和国出身で、現在、プロテスタント人文?社会科学大学の平和?紛争学科で学んでいるHélène Alinethu Mikanda(ヘレン?アィネトゥ?ミカンダ)さんと、同学開発学部で学んでいるルワンダ人学生のOctave Gahirwe Kabera(オクタブ?ガヒルウェ?カベラ)さんです。2人とも、厳しい選考過程を経て選ばれた優秀な学生です。2019年9月末に来日する予定で、2019年秋学期~2020年春学期の間、本学で学びます。




I am called Hélène Alinethu MIKANDA. I am currently a student in the department of Peace and Conflict Studies; Peacebuilding and Development program at PIASS in Rwanda. I am a young Congolese lady of 19 years old, first born in a family of four children. I am more passionate in peace related activities because I want to have my part of contribution in the peacebuilding process in my region and the entire world; I am also passionate in art related activities because I always want to reflect my imagination. My parents always encouraged me to pursue my education, though it has been not easy to do so because of some financial problems. To mean that I have been able to pursue a quality education because of them doing their best, but also I have got different supports from different people.

It is a great opportunity for me to be an exchange student in Japan. I actually got to know how high the quality of education is in japan from my Japanese classmates and Dr. Kazuyuki Sasaki. That made me so excited for studying in Japan. As I expect more from my stay there, I really want to learn more about peacebuilding strategies and methods, especially from the history of Japanese. Since I am from a conflict region where violence has become like a lifestyle of the population from many years, as a Congolese and as a Great Lakes Region citizen, I really want to learn how to fight against violence without using violence.
After my studies in Japan, having my learning experiences, I will share those new and improved knowledge and skills with my classmates and nearby friends. But also, I will put them into practice in my project of Peace Youth Club that I have started in my community, and also initiate a program of fighting against violence without using violence under Congo Peace Network, a civil society organization in Democratic Republic of Congo, in which I am volunteering.

To all the people who are doing their best to make my stay in Japan happen, to all the people who want to make my stay in Japan be great; to each and every person who will support my studies in Japan, I really appreciate your support and I want to say Arigato Gozaimasu. Your contribution will never be forgotten in my heart.





【Octave Gahirwe Kabera(オクタブ?ガヒルウェ?カベラ)さんからのメッセージ】


My name is Octave Gahirwe Kabera. I am a Rwandan student at PIASS. I am very grateful for your acceptance and this opportunity to further my knowledge by studying at TUFS in Japan.

I am currently a student in my second year studying natural resources and environmental management in the faculty of development studies. Besides my studies I love to participate in many different activities, both relating to my field of study and activities devoted to sport and leisure. These activities include environmental clubs and various Peace building related clubs that PIASS has to offer.

I cannot express how happy I have to this opportunity to study in Japan. I am extremely gratefully to you, the fundraisers who have taken the time and effort to raise the necessary funds to purchase a flight ticket so that we can have the chance to travel to Japan. I would like to give my appreciation to the TUFS official who has booked the flight tickets for us and hopefully I may get the chance to thank you in person once I am in Japan. This is a once in a life time opportunity and I can't thank you enough! As much as I am excited about going to Japan to study, I do however feel anxious. This is because Japan is so far from home and the language will be different from what I am used to, but this is a change I am willing to accept with an open mind.

Since my home country (Rwanda) is very different from Japan, I expect a large cultural change. The Japanese culture is very different from the culture I'm used to but I'm sure it is something I can adapt to very easily because I plan to be open minded and ready to learn. I have never been to a first world country, so many things will be new to me, but I expect to broaden my knowledge and experiences. I expect to receive a very good education from Japan and meet different interesting people. Given the fact that Japan has metropolitan cities, I expect to see high rise buildings and busy streets. This is exciting for me because TUFS is in one of these cities. The most exciting thing for me however, is to experience the famous Japanese foods such as sushi and sashimi, tempura, yakitori and of course ramen. The first thing I look forward to seeing is Japans traditional arts, calligraphy and flower gardens as well as the amazing scenery that is associated with "the land of the rising sun". Japan's technological advances is also something I would love to experience and of course I expect to travel to Nagasaki and Hiroshima to learn the most I can about these areas.

Despite the fact I am an African who knows very little and close to nothing about the Japanese culture and language, in the 10 months I'm expected to stay in Japan; it would be my goal to achieve at least a basic understanding of the language and the culture. I would love to make good lifelong friends there and achieve experiences that will prepare me for a better life which I can bring back home to Rwanda. Concerning my field of study, Japan has very good policies and strategies related to waste management and environmental management. Due to this fact, attaining knowledge about how I too can learn from these strategies will be a big benefit and a huge achievement. I thank all of you for your contributions to make my dream a reality! I am looking forward to seeing you later this year in Japan.




今回、日本で学ぶ機会に恵まれてどれほどうれしいか、言葉では言い表せません。私たちのために時間を割き、航空券を購入するために必要な資金を調達する努力をしてくれた皆さんにはとても感謝しています。おかげさまで、私たちは日本へ行くことができます。航空券を予約してくれた欧宝体育平台_欧宝体育在线-app下载のスタッフにも感謝しており、日本へ着いたら直接お礼を言いたいです。これは一生に一度のチャンスであり、感謝してもしきれません! 勉強するために日本へ行くことにワクワクしているのと同時に、不安も感じています。なぜなら日本は母国から遠く離れた場所にあり、ことばも私が慣れ親しんでいるものとは異なるからです。でも、私は心を開いて喜んでこの変化を受け入れます。


私は日本の文化や日本語についてほとんど何も知らないアフリカ人ですが、日本に滞在する10か月の間に期待しているのは次のことです。まず、日本語と日本文化について少なくとも基礎的な理解を習得することが目標です。また、一生の友人をつくり、ルワンダへ戻ったあとによりよい人生を送るために備えられるような経験をすることです。私の専門分野について言えば、日本は廃棄物管理や環境管理に関するすばらしい政策と方策を持っています。このことから、それらの方策からどのように学ぶかについて知識を得ることは、とても有益で大きな成果になると思っています。私が夢を実現するために支えてくださった皆さんに感謝します! 今年、皆さんにお会いできることを楽しみにしています。