現代アフリカ地域研究センターでは、日本アフリカ学会関東支部との共催で、第23回ASC セミナーを開催します。本セミナーでは、現在、欧宝体育平台_欧宝体育在线-app下载が客員教授として招へいしているマブート?シャンガセ先生にお話しいただきます。シャンガセ先生は南アフリカ現代政治をご専門とし、エジンバラ大学(英国)で博士号を取得してプレトリア大学人文学部政治学科で教鞭をとられています。「南アフリカ政治の制度的安定性と変化」と題する本報告では、政治学の新しい概念「temporal exponentiality」を用いつつ、ズマ政権期からラマポサ政権期に至る南ア政治の動態を読み解きます。
◆講演者: マブート?シャンガセ博士
◆日 時:2018 年11 月14 日(水) 17:40 ~ 19:10
◆場 所:欧宝体育平台_欧宝体育在线-app下载 研究講義棟305 教室
◆タイトル:Institutional Stability and Change in South African Politics: Introducing Temporal Exponentiality
How do we explain the state of South African politics today? The continuous evolution of political developments and outcomes warrants the formation of new concepts and mechanisms equipped with the requisite capacity to explicate phenomena. Temporal exponentiality could be understood at least at two levels. Firstly, temporal exponentiality can be defined as a phenomenon that arises of social and political interaction whereby one action or event sequentially leads to another. Secondly, temporal exponentiality emerges as an outcome or epiphenomenon brought to bear by macro level institutions within social and political life. By introducing the 'theory of macro level constraints' and the temporal mechanism of 'exponentiality' this paper follows the historical institutionalist tradition in political science in examining the macro level determinants of social and political behavior. Where most analysis fails, this paper draws linkages between micro level social interaction and the macro level institutions that enable or constrain social and political action. It is herein argued that the exponential nature of political events is a direct result of macro level institutions that structure the behavior of actors at a micro level. Because the behavior of actors is either enabled or constrained by macro level structures, the resulting events fragment unrecoverably into various paths hence the usage of exponentiality as a mechanism to explain the forms they assume.
◆キーワード:Historical Institutionalism, Macro Level Constraints, Temporality, Temporal Exponentiality, Path dependence